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Setup Builder Software

Professional and customized Setup Builder Software is an excellent exe generator program. Most effective setup creator program helps you in distributing your application programming among multiple users or across World Wide Web by creating highly effective and expert setup level files of your software programs. Generated setup installation file permits the professionals to run and install their desktop application on other user system. Advanced windows exe installer software solves the setup creation headache without changing basic functionality of your application program.
Smart setup creator wizard facilitates user to save created exe at a user specified storage location. Windows installation software ensures visual aspect of step by step setup creation in a straight forward way thus offering a level customer satisfaction.
Screenshot of Setup Builder Software

Important Features
- 👉 Highly smart and professional look and feel: Setup generator software delivers an impressive touch on our valuable customers.
- 👉Customizable setup: Lets you install various additional features on demand to include or exclude more facilities while generating software setup file.
- 👉Registry Details: You can specify Registry Details including Sub key Value, Sub key Name, Registry type and Product value while building customized setup wizard.
- 👉Dialog and Path Wizard: Setup installation interface provides you opportunity to choose desired storage location for saving created file along with the facility to specify Product Folder, Product Menu group and other additional features.
- 👉No compromise with software originality: Setup Builder Software maintains the actual functionality of Windows program even after being converted into installation files.