Home / Database Conversion Tool / MySQL to MS SQL Database Conversion
MySQL to MS SQL Database Conversion

Run MySQL to MS SQL database converter software and establish connection with MySQL to MS SQL server locally or remotely. If you want to convert 4.1 or earlier version of MySQL, go through Launch Classic Mode to convert MySQL 4.1 or earlier to convert it.
MySQL to MS SQL Database Conversion Tool converts MySQL created database records to Microsoft SQL database server record format. Database converter software provides solution to convert MySQL database records into existing MSSQL database or save the converted MySQL table records at user specified location. Conversion utility supports all major versions of MySQL and MSSQL DB server.
Software facilitates you to convert 4.1 or earlier versions of MySQL using Classic Mode option. Software converts views, indexes with all necessary attributes, schemas, queries and foreign keys etc.
Screenshot of MySQL to MS SQL Database Conversion

Important Features
- 👉Connect MySQL and MS SQL server locally or remotely.
- 👉Convert entire database or desired number of records from MySQL to MSSQL database server.
- 👉Software supports indexes, primary keys along with all necessary database attributes and data types.
- 👉Work with all major versions of Microsoft SQL and My SQL database server.