Database Conversion Tool FAQs
Q: Does your MySQL to MSSQL Database Conversion Tool maintain the database integrity while converting database records from one format to other?
Answer: MySQL to MSSQL Database Conversion Tool fully supports all major database datatypes, attributes and key constraints while converting MySQL database records to MSSQL database file format.
Q: Can your MS Access to MySQL Database Conversion Tool support conversion of database even if file records are password protected?
Answer: Yes, our MS Access to MySQL Database Conversion Tool having advance features supports conversion of password protected MS Access database records into MySQL database records .
Q: Why demo and licensed version of MySQL to MSSQL Database Conversion Tool is provided?
Answer: Demo version of MySQL to MSSQL Database Conversion converts only first few records of database table. Where as licensed version of MySQL to MSSQL Database Conversion Tool operates upon entire database tables and supports easy conversion of whole database records from MySQL to MSSQL file format.